Merlin ToolChain manual

V.1.0 15/11/2007


This document contains instructions on how to operate the ToolChain plug-ins in Eclipse environment.

Logging in

User needs to “Log in” before using TC. Currently there is no account management system implemented.

Picture 1: Logging in

  1. Press ToolChain icon
  2. Input username and password ONLY if using PAT, otherwise leave empty.
  3. Press login


After logging in, plug-ins for the selected tools will pop up (see installation manual on how to select the tools). Please note that not all tools have plug-ins of their own.

Picture 2: Example layout for ToolChain


1)      Traceview 2) RequisitePro plug-in 3) Testlink plug-in 4) OpenWorkBench plug-in


Picture 2 shows how the perspective looks after logging in. Your will differ from this, initially the views will be tabbed to same window, but Eclipse allows you to drag and drop the view. You can place the views as you wish, but for tracing, which needs a drag and drop, all the views can not be in the same window as the Trace-view.

Using the Tracing view

In tracing view it is possible to create dependencies between different artefacts like tasks and code files. It is also possible to see these relations.


Creating links is done by selecting suitable item from Requirements tree. What is considered suitable depends on which RM tool is used. The link is then created to the selected requirement by dragging from another plug-in the wanted artefact to its designated place. The place depends on the type of the artefact; whether it is PM, TM or CM artefact. If the artefact if of type PM it must be dragged to Project tasks table in the Trace view, if it is TM then to Test cases table and if it is CM the artefact can be dragged to the code files table.


Removing links can be done by selecting the requirement from which you want to remove the links from. Then choose the artefact you want to remove and right click on it and choose ‘Remove’ and confirm ‘Yes’. The link is then removed.


View link information can be performed by selecting the wanted requirement or equivalent from ‘Requirements tree’. The information about traced artefacts is then shown. Currently ToolChain supports only tracing to requirement (or equivalent) and thus it’s possible to only show information from this point of view. Every requirement has a prefix in format (x/x/x). This means how many links of types (PM / TM / CM) the chosen requirement has. Currently the information is updated to UI only when changing project.


Additional information about tracing

There are some differences how to perform tracing depending on the tool. Here those differences are listed.


Project Assist Tool

When using PAT, trace view has a special icon from which a view can be launched that allows tracing tasks to requirements. This icon which is shaped like a ‘i’ can be located from upper right corner of the view. Press this icon and drag the opening view to place of your choice so you can perform tracing by drag & drop. Only tasks (round ‘T’ icon) can be dragged.


Open Workbench & Microsoft Project

When using OWB or Microsoft Project, a project .XML file has to be opened before tracing can be performed. This can be done by pressing on the ‘Open project’ button and choosing the .XML file which contains the project. After a while the project should be opened in the plug-in, and tracing can be performed by dragging icons indicated by the round ‘T’ to Project tasks in trace view.


Requisite Pro

When using RequisitePro as RM tool, tracing can be performed only to those items in tree that have SR prefix.



When using Telelogic DOORS make sure that you have the DOORS client running before starting Merlin plug-ins. Tracing can be performed only to items indicated with ‘R’ icon, which resembles a requirement. Yellow R icon means that there are links in the item.



If using OSRMT as RM tool, make sure you have placed connection.xml to Eclipse root directory and configured it properly, as guided by the installation manual. OSRMT allows linking to all the items except the items at the top level.



When using Subversion, make sure that SVN is configured properly as stated by the installation manual. Otherwise you might get ‘File not found from repository’ error when trying to perform tracing. If you have a project which is under SVN version control, you can simply drag the files from package explorer to the trace view’s Code files section. If the repository can not be reached currently there might be a moderate delay before linking is performed. Same delay might be experienced when viewing the requirement with links to repository which can not be reached.



Softfab plug-in does not support drag and drop, therefore tracing has to be done differently. Softfab test cases are prefixed with requirement id which you can get by right clicking on the requirement in trace view and choosing ‘View prefix’. When prefixed, test cases should appear for the given requirement in trace view.



When using Testlink, test cases (which are under test suites) can be dragged to ‘Test cases’.